Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Dracula Horror Series 1: Dracula Returns by Robert Lory

Dracula Returns
The Dracula Horror Series 1
by Robert Lory
Pinnacle 1973

Professor and ex-cop Damien Harmon, with the aid of his assistant Cameron Sanchez and the mysterious psychic Ktara, resurrect Dracula, surgically implanting a sliver of a wooden stake near his heart set to go off if Professor Harmon dies.

Slow going at first as the bulk of the book deals with the trip to Transylvania and back.  For some reason Harmon shipped the micro-batteries for the implant in a separate crate, doesn't have any spares, and can't buy anymore.  They get stolen, and Sanchez and Ktara go chasing after the McGuffin.

They recover it, and Sanchez reveals his motivation - he uses Dracula to wipe out the mafia.  This is a Pinnacle book, after all.  Dracula plays along for his own purposes, Ktara is subtly defiant towards her master for, and we don't know Harmon's endgame yet.

But we've got nine more books to go, and lucky for you people I managed to grab them all.  I was skeptical about this being a horror/men's adventure crossover, especially after the slow first half, but it delivers on the premise by the end.

The first installment just came out in Ebook.  Snatch it up so that they publish the other nine.

1 comment:

  1. I just love thee artwork on these old pulps. So much better than the crap churned out by interns these days.
