Monday, January 27, 2025

Pavement Princesses by Kathy Woods

Pavement Princesses
by Kathy Woods 
1977, Fawcett Gold Medal

A thin veneer of investigative journalism over Penthouse Forum style smut vignettes of the pavement princesses, also known as lot lizards, sex workers who frequent truck stops. A few accounts make some attempt at realism, but a lot of the narrative depends on the notion that truckers are incredibly desirable and women get on the game for the amazing sex. Too sleazy for a sociological text, a bit restrained for 70s smut, though some interest as a time capsule.

Available to borrow on 

Available for purchase on Amazon

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Frenzi 3: Six Bullets Left by R.J. Calder

Frenzi 3
Six Bullets Left
by R.J. Calder
2022, Point of Impact Publishing

Former mafia hitman John Frenzi is on the run since his last encounter in Florida. He makes it as far as Belle Rivière, Louisiana before his car breaks down and he runs into mafia goons in town to smuggle in some dope. Wounded, under-armed, and outnumbered, he uses his wits to hide in the small town before dealing with the mob and corrupt sheriff.

Starts off small scale until things ramp up once mafia backup and the Black Panthers get involved, giving us the best action yet in the series.

From Amazon

Monday, January 13, 2025

Breed 2 The Silent Kill by James A. Muir

Breed 2
The Silent Kill
by James A. Muir (Angus Wells)
1977, Sphere

Breed continues his hunt for his family's killers. He comes across a wagon train stranded in the snow trying to cross the Sierras. He comes to the group five days away from Carson City, but instead of turning back they spend over a month facing the elements, and the bulk of the story is miserable winter survival.

A huge step down from the brutality of the first installment to standard western fare.

From Amazon

Friday, January 10, 2025

Joe Gall 10 - The Ill Wind Contract by Phillip Atlee

Joe Gall 10
The Ill Wind Contract
by Phillip Atlee
1969, Fawcett

Joe Gall is a former CIA agent and current rich a-hole who does contract work for the agency. A scientist is working on puromycin, which causes memory loss in mice. Gall hangs around Japan for half the novel in Japan waiting for orders. He runs into a half-Black, half-Japanese sumo wrestler a couple times in a subplot that goes nowhere, a running theme here.

The puromycin is forgotten about, Gall's real mission is to smuggle 10,000 pounds of precious metal out of Indonesia. Gall loads it in the back of his sedan (about 10 times the average carrying capacity, guess they build different in Indonesia) and drives it a couple miles, where someone else unloads, arranges transportation, moves it to Japan, and unloads. Not sure where Gall comes in, another running theme.

The smuggling portion is dealt with quickly to make room for the real plot - Gall is pulled in to the 30 September Movement's coup attempt and tasked to saving generals targeted for assassination. Which he fails at. He does assist in reclaiming a communication building in an unlikely sequence in which he sneaks in and doses the enemy's food with the puromycin, which makes them forget how to shoot their guns.

A communist paper claims responsibility. Gall stops the army from suppressing the paper and has them force the press to print more, in order to whip up a backlash that in real life resulted in around a million deaths. Yay.

Quickly back to the smuggling, which Gall is just along for the ride. There's a "love" interest, but the sex scene involves him calling her a whore for a couple pages and a quick two sentence sex scene:

"She was in her natural position, on her back, when I took her first. Then I flipped her over expertly, because a lot of those lonely journeys of mine had been to seaport towns." Which I'm assuming is butt stuff. I'm not sure why he's being coy - this is right after he tells her he can tell she sleeps around a lot by the smell of her vaginal musk.

Gall is a miserable prick without the charm of a Bond or a Hammer, and is a passive character in what's basically a combination travelogue and historical novel.

The name Phillip Atlee sounded familiar - he's the brother of CIA officer David Atlee Phillips, who's been accused of involvement in various political assassinations.

From Amazon

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Encyclopedia of Abnormal Sex by Roger Blake

Encyclopedia of Abnormal Sex
by Roger Blake
1965, Brandon House

One of a flood of fake sexology texts that came in the wake of the Kinsey Report, the fake scholarship used as a cover for hard core vignettes.

Highlights include a family straight out of the Aristocrats, a bike seat sniffing high school janitor, and a man who would gather up a crowd of homeless people to watch him be buggered by his chauffer, which I think was a line in Soft Cell's Sex Dwarf.

The only move new to me was 69 bagpiping, and the claim that Europeans and gay Americans are way more into armpits than American straights are.

An interesting aspect is how much is invested in the male/sadist/dominant and female/masochist/submissive binary. 

From Amazon

Monday, January 6, 2025

War Dogs by by Nik-Uhernik

War Dogs
by Nik-Uhernik (Nicholas Cain)
1984, General Paperbacks/Panda

Set in the early 60s, the War Dogs are a team of brutal soldiers recruited Dirty Dozen style: a soldier of fortune, a soldier who beat his CO to death, a cop who beat a mentally ill prisoner to death for mouthing off, a drug smuggling pilot, and the only sympathetic figure, a sex worker turned vigilante. They're recruited Nick Fury style and trained in an underground bunker before being used in assassination missions around the globe.

The book breezes by the 450 pages and is strongest in the origin stories of the various members. It later struggles as a lot of team books do - the lieutenant who recruits goes from being a shadowy figure to the main character, with the rest of the team pulling back as support. The sex worker gets the most characterization, or she might just stand out as the others are distinguished by various levels of dirtbaggery.

The story oddly insisted on moral certainty while carrying the theme of moral ambiguity. The concept of the team was that American needed a dirty team to carry out dirty jobs, and that the War Dogs should kill without question. Then the team are shown ironclad evidence that what they're doing was right, kind of undercutting the theme.

After slaughtering a seemingly innocent South American village, the team are shown film of their victims' horrid crimes, presumably taken with hidden 16mm cameras all over town. And when the Lt. struggles with the morality of a decision, he happens across a detailed diary which answers all of his questions.

I had some issues with the realism in places. The lieutenant swoops in, sometimes minutes after a recruit is caught by the police - even with an intelligence network that broad there's still travel time. And the War Dogs MO involves hovering a helicopter over the target's building, letting the crew jump off onto the roof or balcony, without anyone hearing it. Started off strong, but some of the convolutions turned me off by the end.

From Amazon

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Dusty Ayres: The Green Thunderbolt

Dusty Ayres: The Green Thunderbolt
November, 1934

Dusty Ayres is a future war pulp, combining air war with yellow peril. Asian warlord Fire Eyes leads the Black Invaders on a quest for world domination. Humble pilot Dusty uncovers an enemy base in Mexico that plans on launching a proto-atomic bomb guided missile. The series is running out of steam at this point - some good action, but mostly capture/escape cycles.

Dusty Ayres was unusual in having supporting short stories set in the same universe, but with none of the main characters, both involving a wrongfully accused pilot clearing his name.

Reprint from Amazon