Friday, September 29, 2017
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Watchers in the Woods by William W. Johnstone
Watchers in the Woods
by William W. Johnstone
Zebra Books, 1991
by William W. Johnstone
Zebra Books, 1991
What the Ashes series did for Libertarianism, Watchers in the Woods does for animal rights. It's as bad as that.
Johnstone's pantser tendencies are in full effect here. We start off with five different couples going on a hiking trip after their joint 20 year school reunion. Good enough set up for a horror novel. But wait, one of the reunioners is a CIA contract assassin! Let's go with that for a while.
On a mission that is never made clear, the CIA agent is ordered to the middle of the woods to do something with the Unseen, also called the Sataw and a dozen other names. These are the same creatures from A Crying Shame, only more vague. They're homo sapiens, but haven't evolved as much as the rest of humanity. They've lived in isolation in the American woods, except for the several generations who have integrated into American society.
They are woefully underdescribed. Some look like humans, some are hairier and have big teeth. The only one that gets any description is a tribe leader who has a regular human body and full-on wolf's head. Most are peaceful, but some are cannibalistic, gone mad by water pollution. If they bite regular people, those people go mad under a full moon. So we're told, it doesn't come up.
The reunioners go in the woods, fight the Unseen and some neo-nazis, then fight to get back out of the woods. The plot is a mess, but we eventually get the full force of the US government involved. Peaceful Unseen are put into camps, violent ones out in society go feral and kill thousands, and people yell at reporters for existing.
More action than horror, but mostly talking. Lots and lots of talking. By then end, Johnstone's giving us a monologue about the mistreatment of greyhound dogs.
Not to be confused with The Watcher in the Woods.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Zebra Books Misc - 1974-1982
There were a lot of titles in genres that were particular to the 70s.
Exploitation / Sexy Tell-Alls / Porn or Hooker Biography
The Joys of Hooking by Virginia Graham (Zebra #1!)
Where have all the Little Girls Gone by M. K. Callie
Lily: The Diary of a French Girl in New York by Sandrine Forge
Society Hooker by Betsy Winston
Martnis, Manhattans, or Me? by Barbara O'Brien
The Wild White Witch by Peter Stafford

The Love Girl by Suzy Green
Diary of a Modern American Girl by Emily Goodman
China Nights by Ralph Shaw
10 1/2 by Marc Stevens

The Whole Bedroom Catalog by Stephen Lewis
Amanda in Spain by Geoffrey Bocca
The Greek Goddess by R.T. Larkin
Amanda in Germany by Geoffrey Bocca

Amanda in France by Geoffrey Bocca aka Commander Amanda
Washington Call Girl - The Original Washington Expose by Rachel Alceim
Making It Big by Diana Clapton and Marc Stevens
Anytime, Anywhere! by Susie Swanson
Intercept UFO by Renato Vesco
Your Practical Guide to Fortune-telling by Rod Davies
The Witches Workbook: The Magick Grimoire of Lady Sheba
Universal Cosmic Mind Power by Samuel Dodson
The Great Pyramid by Warren Smith
The Strange World of Brad Steiger by Brad Steiger
Triangle of the Lost by Warren Smith
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds by Paul Twitchell
Myth and Mystery of Atlantis by Warren Smith
The Opening of an Eye by Alice Lane
Lost Cities of the Ancients Unearthed by Warren Smith
Pyramid Energy and How it Works for You by James Wyckoff
Strange Secrets of Loch Ness by Warren Smith
UFO Trek by Warren Smith
Discover the Riches of Universal Cosmic Mind Power by Samuel Dodson
The Hidden Secrets of the Hollow Earth by Warren Smith
The Secret Origins of Bigfoot by Warren Smith

The Law of Psychic Phenomena by Thomas Hudson
The Law of Psychic Phenomena Volume 2 by Thomas Hudson
JFK Conspiracy
Appointment In Dallas: The Final Solution to the Assassination of JFK by Hugh C. McDonald and Geoffrey Bocca
Coincidence or Conspiracy by Bernard Fensterwald and Michael Ewing
Occult Investigator
Father Hayes by Peter Leslie
The Steeds Of Satan by Peter Leslie
Martial Arts
Bruce Lee's Basic Kung-Fu Training Manual by Claude St. Denise
Bruce Lee's My Martial Arts Training Manual by Claude St. Denise
Bruce Lee's Guide to Savage Street Fighting by Claude St. Denise
True Crime/Prison/Pimp
Dig the Nigger Up - Let's Kill Him Again by Robert Chinn - ghetto/prison memoir
Blood Family by William Zamora - Manson trial juror
The Virginia Ratt by Ratton Hall and Sandy Sidar - pimp/prison memoir

The Black Prince by Anonymous
Collision by Spencer Dunmore
Exploitation / Sexy Tell-Alls / Porn or Hooker Biography
The Joys of Hooking by Virginia Graham (Zebra #1!)
Where have all the Little Girls Gone by M. K. Callie
Lily: The Diary of a French Girl in New York by Sandrine Forge
Society Hooker by Betsy Winston
Martnis, Manhattans, or Me? by Barbara O'Brien
The Wild White Witch by Peter Stafford

The Love Girl by Suzy Green
Diary of a Modern American Girl by Emily Goodman
China Nights by Ralph Shaw
10 1/2 by Marc Stevens

The Whole Bedroom Catalog by Stephen Lewis
Amanda in Spain by Geoffrey Bocca
The Greek Goddess by R.T. Larkin
Amanda in Germany by Geoffrey Bocca

Amanda in France by Geoffrey Bocca aka Commander Amanda
Washington Call Girl - The Original Washington Expose by Rachel Alceim
Making It Big by Diana Clapton and Marc Stevens
Anytime, Anywhere! by Susie Swanson
Intercept UFO by Renato Vesco
Your Practical Guide to Fortune-telling by Rod Davies
The Witches Workbook: The Magick Grimoire of Lady Sheba
Universal Cosmic Mind Power by Samuel Dodson
The Great Pyramid by Warren Smith
The Strange World of Brad Steiger by Brad Steiger
Triangle of the Lost by Warren Smith
Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds by Paul Twitchell
Myth and Mystery of Atlantis by Warren Smith
The Opening of an Eye by Alice Lane
Lost Cities of the Ancients Unearthed by Warren Smith
Pyramid Energy and How it Works for You by James Wyckoff
Strange Secrets of Loch Ness by Warren Smith
UFO Trek by Warren Smith
Discover the Riches of Universal Cosmic Mind Power by Samuel Dodson
The Hidden Secrets of the Hollow Earth by Warren Smith
The Secret Origins of Bigfoot by Warren Smith

The Law of Psychic Phenomena by Thomas Hudson
The Law of Psychic Phenomena Volume 2 by Thomas Hudson
JFK Conspiracy
Appointment In Dallas: The Final Solution to the Assassination of JFK by Hugh C. McDonald and Geoffrey Bocca
Coincidence or Conspiracy by Bernard Fensterwald and Michael Ewing
Occult Investigator
Father Hayes by Peter Leslie
The Steeds Of Satan by Peter Leslie
Martial Arts
Bruce Lee's Basic Kung-Fu Training Manual by Claude St. Denise
Bruce Lee's My Martial Arts Training Manual by Claude St. Denise
Bruce Lee's Guide to Savage Street Fighting by Claude St. Denise
True Crime/Prison/Pimp
Dig the Nigger Up - Let's Kill Him Again by Robert Chinn - ghetto/prison memoir
Blood Family by William Zamora - Manson trial juror
The Virginia Ratt by Ratton Hall and Sandy Sidar - pimp/prison memoir

The Black Prince by Anonymous
Collision by Spencer Dunmore
Eruption by Paul Patchick
Epidemic! by Larry R. Leichter, M.D.
Avalanche by M Steele & Steve Cohen
The Omni Strain by Cliff Patton, M.D.
Collision Over Toronto Airport by Spencer Dunmore
Drought! by Ralph Hayes
Ghost Rig by Cliff Patton
Shuttle by David C. Onley

Friday, September 22, 2017
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Black Horde by Richard Lewis
Black Horde
aka Devil's Coach-Horse
by Richard Lewis
1979 Signet
Like the best of disaster/animal attack novels, The Black Horde is largely a series of miniature character studies, each punctuated by gruesome death, here by tiny, man-eating beetles. Lewis is kind enough not to waste page time on following any main characters. A scientist finally pops up with a way to counter the plague, the end? Lewis had the guts to kill off scores of children, but chickened out and did so off page. Signet really jumped on the killer animal bandwagon around this time, with another dozen or so titles advertised.
Paperback from Amazon
aka Devil's Coach-Horse
by Richard Lewis
1979 Signet
Like the best of disaster/animal attack novels, The Black Horde is largely a series of miniature character studies, each punctuated by gruesome death, here by tiny, man-eating beetles. Lewis is kind enough not to waste page time on following any main characters. A scientist finally pops up with a way to counter the plague, the end? Lewis had the guts to kill off scores of children, but chickened out and did so off page. Signet really jumped on the killer animal bandwagon around this time, with another dozen or so titles advertised.
Paperback from Amazon
Friday, September 15, 2017
You've Got Foetus On Your Breath - Flashback
Speaking of weird Foetus references, this track ends with a rant lifted from Nitro of Marvel Comics, I think from Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man 55. I think from the same issue is the line "Thank Heaven for Push Button Phones", which is a track title on the same album.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Darkly the Thunder by William W. Johnstone
Darkly the Thunder
by William W. Johnstone
1990 Zebra Books
The 80's are over, and so is the fun, if this lifeless slog has any indication of the rest of the 90s.
So far the worst things about Johnstone horror novels are disembodied sarcastic voices, endless discussion of cosmic rules that he refuses to explain, and interminable padding of characters repeating things back and forth to each other. That's all this book is.
The Fury is a neutron star that evolved into pure evil and lives off the souls of the recently departed. It manifests itself as a disembodied voice that yells racist taunts and sings doo-wop. The Fury is stuck in the 1950s and doesn't understand modern technology. It has closed off a Colorado town in a secular re-tread of the well worn path of the Devil novels.
There's a little bit of folks not being friendly anymore and a little public masturbation, but not of the bacchanalia of the Devil books. Bodies are found torn apart and anyone who tries to leave town is killed by the Fury's psychic force. Not sure what the Fury's endgame is other than killing people, why he doesn't just kill everybody day one, and what 50's music has to do with anything.
On the side of good we have the Force, which doesn't sound too far off from the Jedi stuff except for its love of vigilante murder. The Force is embodied by the spirit of a James Dean type named Sand who died decades ago after killing the frat boys who killed his wife.
Sand tells his story via a television set, which is recorded by the town's 10-year-old computer genius. The Fury also tells his story to a reporter who interviews him for hours. None of that is shared with the reader.
Pretty earlier on, the President is made aware of the situation and plans a strike with a neutron bomb, while the press and some snake handlers show up in town. The kid hacker is able to figure out where the Fury is in town by tracing him on the telephone, and Sand communicates via modem until Johnstone forgets this device and has him just be telepathic.
Some good carnage in the beginning, and a quick zombie attack in the middle, but almost nothing happens the entire book. The townspeople and CIA and the White House plan things and the Fury calls the Sheriff burrito-breath and nothing happens for page upon page. The only interest is Sand's back story of vigilante justice, which has nothing to do with anything.
The plan is finally revealed and executed. The President drops a neutron bomb on the town. They blame aliens because if America knew the truth about the afterlife Las Vegas would close down and the liquor industry would collapse. The townspeople blow up the entire town to create a smokescreen, because the omniscient Fury can't see through smoke. They use the cover to run through a portal that Sand creates to teleport to safety.
Epilogue: Everyone gets married and the crater that the bomb made is now filled with all the souls that the Fury had taken over the years. None of this book makes enough sense to even tell if there are plot holes. Johnstone gets as preachy here as he does in the Ashes books, only now it's about feeding the homeless and being kind to animals. Like a damn hippy.
Available in Kindle ebook from Amazon
Click here to read a sample
by William W. Johnstone
1990 Zebra Books
The 80's are over, and so is the fun, if this lifeless slog has any indication of the rest of the 90s.
So far the worst things about Johnstone horror novels are disembodied sarcastic voices, endless discussion of cosmic rules that he refuses to explain, and interminable padding of characters repeating things back and forth to each other. That's all this book is.
The Fury is a neutron star that evolved into pure evil and lives off the souls of the recently departed. It manifests itself as a disembodied voice that yells racist taunts and sings doo-wop. The Fury is stuck in the 1950s and doesn't understand modern technology. It has closed off a Colorado town in a secular re-tread of the well worn path of the Devil novels.
There's a little bit of folks not being friendly anymore and a little public masturbation, but not of the bacchanalia of the Devil books. Bodies are found torn apart and anyone who tries to leave town is killed by the Fury's psychic force. Not sure what the Fury's endgame is other than killing people, why he doesn't just kill everybody day one, and what 50's music has to do with anything.
On the side of good we have the Force, which doesn't sound too far off from the Jedi stuff except for its love of vigilante murder. The Force is embodied by the spirit of a James Dean type named Sand who died decades ago after killing the frat boys who killed his wife.
Sand tells his story via a television set, which is recorded by the town's 10-year-old computer genius. The Fury also tells his story to a reporter who interviews him for hours. None of that is shared with the reader.
Pretty earlier on, the President is made aware of the situation and plans a strike with a neutron bomb, while the press and some snake handlers show up in town. The kid hacker is able to figure out where the Fury is in town by tracing him on the telephone, and Sand communicates via modem until Johnstone forgets this device and has him just be telepathic.
Some good carnage in the beginning, and a quick zombie attack in the middle, but almost nothing happens the entire book. The townspeople and CIA and the White House plan things and the Fury calls the Sheriff burrito-breath and nothing happens for page upon page. The only interest is Sand's back story of vigilante justice, which has nothing to do with anything.
The plan is finally revealed and executed. The President drops a neutron bomb on the town. They blame aliens because if America knew the truth about the afterlife Las Vegas would close down and the liquor industry would collapse. The townspeople blow up the entire town to create a smokescreen, because the omniscient Fury can't see through smoke. They use the cover to run through a portal that Sand creates to teleport to safety.
Epilogue: Everyone gets married and the crater that the bomb made is now filled with all the souls that the Fury had taken over the years. None of this book makes enough sense to even tell if there are plot holes. Johnstone gets as preachy here as he does in the Ashes books, only now it's about feeding the homeless and being kind to animals. Like a damn hippy.
Available in Kindle ebook from Amazon
Click here to read a sample
Monday, September 11, 2017
Le Voyage Extraordinaire
Le Voyage Extraordinaire
Futuroscope is a future-themed park in France focusing on 4D movies, though it was nice to see they had a couple of old-fashioned slides. There should be more slides in parks.
Le Voyage Extraordinaire is a straight up Sorin' knock off, but queue is amazing. Escher stairs going nowhere, Stargate portals. I love areas that have a sense of more going on and places you could have gone.
Futuroscope is a future-themed park in France focusing on 4D movies, though it was nice to see they had a couple of old-fashioned slides. There should be more slides in parks.
Le Voyage Extraordinaire is a straight up Sorin' knock off, but queue is amazing. Escher stairs going nowhere, Stargate portals. I love areas that have a sense of more going on and places you could have gone.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Les Brown & Vic Schoen "Double Exposure" 1961
There's a JG Thirwell sample every thirty seconds on this baby.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
ABC 1983 - The ABC Saturday Preview Special
An historical look back this time. This was when Menudo videos were spliced in between everything.
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