Saturday, March 22, 2025

Renegade 5: Macumba Killer by Ramsey Thorne

Renegade/Captain Gringo 5
Macumba Killer
by Ramsay Thorne (Lou Cameron)

Captain Gringo is hired to deal with zombie revolts on a British sugar plantation. The previous installments have a great sense of movement, with Gringo constantly on the run, but this one felt quite stationary. There's a few mild Scooby Doo reveals and not much else.

The last installment had Gringo having sex with an underage girl, and this one has him raping a woman who pissed him off. The scene was out of character and felt like it was shoehorned in. I almost get the feel Cameron is being revolting on purpose.

From Amazon

Friday, March 21, 2025

Crow 3: Tears of Blood by James W. Marvin

Crow 3
Tears of Blood
by James W. Marvin

Full blown psychopath Crow is looking to make some money and is town when a prominent citizen and his poorly reputed young wife are kidnapped. Crow agrees to a bounty to rescue them with a bonus for each kidnapper he kills. Crow tracks them down, killing a few folks along the way, is captured, sleaziness ensues, he escapes, then resolves in mass violence.

Continues the pattern of well staged tactics performed by a remorseless monster with no redeeming qualities, so of course the series is a favorite of mine.

There's a weird framing device of someone telling this story years later and a few references to the Apache series shoehorned in at the beginning, neither of which have anything to do with the story.

From Amazon

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Bunco Brawl: Hand Four


Three new players ante up. Sociopathic Crow joins the buttstuff bandit Renegade and new-comer Lassiter.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The Executioner 10: Caribbean Kill by Don Pendleton

The Executioner 10
Caribbean Kill
by Don Pendleton

Mack Bolan flies straight from Las Vegas to Puerto Rico, smashes his plane into a mafia compound and hits the ground running. After some jungle combat he rescues a sex worker who ends up being a federal agent, rescues a hostage, and raids a mansion to take out the local head. Along the way he recruits a mafia pilot 'Nam veteran.

Bolan learns of a Federal Government effort to have him snuffed out. The perceived enemy also expands, to include governments and corporation who profit from organized crime.

Available at Amazon 

Friday, March 14, 2025

WWX Tag Title: Rocket Stories v01n01

Rocket Stories v01n01
April 1953

The Quest of Quaa by H.A. De Rosso

A man stranded on Venus after getting space sickness as a teen is recruited in a mission to discover who's been putting mind destroying Quaa in the Venusian cure-all Panaceum. With a different McGuffin this could have been a western with detective elements, riding animals in a hunt and facing savage aborigines. Without much reading to back it up, I've had a low opinion of 50s scifi fiction as being formulaic and juvenile, and stories like this haven't changed my mind.

Welcome Voyagers by Hubert J. Bernhard

Future year 1970, Americans attack a Martian envoy with missiles, but they cure a general's cancer and we all become friends.

This World is Condemned by Ward Botsford

A low-tech planet joins an interplanetary confederation by exporting stamps to philatelists. That world was not condemned.


Thursday, March 13, 2025

WWX Tag Title: Spicy Western Stories v02n03

Spicy Western Stories v02n03
July, 1937

Sheep Hater by Clint Morgan

Dirtbag cowboy is in love with a woman who won't marry him because she's ashamed of her father. He bangs her, bangs her sister, gets caught, and is forced into marrying sis, who turns out to be a shrew. He becomes a drunkard, is framed for murder, cleared, the marriage is invalidated, and his first love evidently didn't have other options.

Rodeo Rats by Rex Norman

Contemporary crime story. A rodeo star bangs the suspect in his boss' murder, a bubble dancer used by the New York syndicates as bait in a gambling scam.

Hell in Hidden Valley by King Saxon

A wandering cowpoke stumbles across a rancher under attack.

Available from