Sunday, June 2, 2024

Dark Sun: City Under the Sand by Jeff Mariotte

Dark Sun
City Under the Sand
by Jeff Mariotte

Stepping away from Forgotten Realms to another Dungeons & Dragons setting, Dark Sun. Dark Sun is a set on a dying planet, ravaged by magic gone wrong, where metal and water are scarce but psionics are common. Darker than other settings, with some twists - elves are a despised underclass and halflings are feral savages. 

Half-elf Aric, a blacksmith with the ability to communicate with metal, is recruited by the Shadow King to join an expedition to retrieve metal from a long-buried city uncovered in a sandstorm. The activity unleashes an ancient evil and Aric must rush back to warn the city.

Most of the story concerns the fights and struggles to get across the desert, while the main plot, and subplot of a serial killer attacking elfin women, felt a bit rushed. These books often assume a working knowledge of the source material, and I had to look up a few monsters to know what they were supposed to look like.

Available from Amazon

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