Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Scarred for Life Volume One

Scarred for Life Volume One

I've read a few books based on blogs, and the blogs tend to be better.  Scarred for Life Volume One might as well be a book based on a YouTube channel.  And surprisingly, that turned out ok.

The theme is creepy British children's shows and PSAs from the 1970s.  And there is an endless depth of creep from 1970s Britain.  I usually shy away from books about film and TV, as I can just watch the original directly, but Scarred for Life goes into depth, shows its research, and gives historical context to the weirdness.  It's the kind of book you'll flip through with one hand and add YouTube videos to your playlist with the other.

And even if you skim over the background and just use it as reference, there's great value for money for this massive 740 page tome.

Available in PDF and paperback from Lulu.

This is the third book I've looked for that is only available on Lulu and for the life of me I can't figure out why anyone would do that.


  1. Hi, just stumbled across this so I thought I'd answer the question at the end. The reason we chose Lulu is (generally) twofold. (1) it meant the book was released as we wanted rather than being edited down by a publisher and (2) Lulu is relatively generous in how much we get per copy sold and their support is terrific. Going this route does mean our proofreading is a bit dodgy in places but we've hopefully learnt some of the errors of our ways with the upcoming volume two. Thanks for looking at our book. Kind regards Dave Lawrence
