Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Marvel Year One: Spider-Man

Peter Parker is an a-hole.

We know this, this is part of his origin story.  He uses his powers to make money, doesn't stop a thief when he had the chance, and his beloved Uncle Ben dies because of it.

But does he stop being an a-hole?  We'll take a look next year, as Spider-Man only makes one appearance in 1962.

We're also introduced to the Peter Parker Principle, which dates back in one form or another to at least the French Revolution.  So far we only have the narrator preaching it.  We'll see when Peter himself references the phrase.  Later (maybe much later), the phrase is attributed to Uncle Ben, and I now wonder how that came up.  "Peter, with great power comes great responsibility.  But even powerless milksops like you still have to take out the trash".

Spider-man is used with or without the hyphen, sometimes on the same page.

There's a notice about a change in the title.  It went Amazing Adventures to Amazing Adult Fantasy to Amazing Fantasy, stopping here at issue 15 until there were a couple more issues in the 90s.  The notice posted here talks about teenagers being embarrassed buying a comic with the word "adult" in the title.

Amazing Fantasy 15

Collected in Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection: Great Power in paperback or Kindle

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