Thursday, January 20, 2022

Black Brute 2: Runaway Slave aka Rampage by Robert Tralins

Black Brute 2
Runaway Slave aka Rampage
by Robert Tralins
1969 Lancer

Brutus escapes being eaten by hogs much like Glenn did with zombies in The Walking Dead and travels north. His crazed enslaver Jeremy recruits even more brutal Matthew to track Brutus down. Brutus is recaptured and forced to turn a gristmill 20 hours a day, taken out of chains only to participate in a donkey show.

Jeremy's brother in law Haroun steals some gold to buy back his sister, who Jeremy sold after cutting her tongue out. Matthew steals the rest of the gold stash and frames Jeremy. He pretends to go after Haroun and rapes an innkeeper and her two daughters along the way.

Jeremy makes an attempt at respectability and courts a young woman with progressive ideals, while also bedding her widowed mother. The young lady bangs Brutus and aids his escape, getting raped by Matthew in the process.

Nasty, brutish, and short.

Paperback from Amazon

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