Sunday, September 15, 2024

Blood and Honour by Wolf Kruger

Blood and Honour
by Wolf Kruger (Shaun Hutson)
1981, Robert Hale Limited

Sergeant Herzog is a German soldier court martialed and sent to the Eastern Front for refusing to wear his Iron Cross. He received the cross for massacring helpless civilians and refuses to wear it until he thinks he earns it. Herzog is a man of principle - not principled enough to not massacre civilians or stop fighting for Hitler, but principled enough to grumble about it.

The book alternates between frontline battles and officials yelling at each other. It takes over half the book to settle into a typical squad based war novel. The most notable characters are a katana swinging Japanese soldier speaking broken English and a chronic masturbator.

Hutson saves up for the final battle, a massacre in a Russian churchyard, which plays out like a Peckinpah film. It's listed as part of a series, but this first installment is set after the others with different characters.

Available from Amazon

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Crusader 2: The Passionate Princess by John Cleve

The Crusader 2
The Passionate Princess
by John Cleve (Andrew J. Offutt)
1974, Dell

Set after the Battle of Acres in the Third Crusades, Crusaders are harassed by skirmishing forces as King Richard and Saladin negotiate. Knight and archer Guy Kingsaver faces off with the Butcher, the mysterious figure slaughtering knights. But mostly boffing.

Less an historical adventure piece and more a full blown porno novel, which happens to historical detail and excellent action sequences.

Available from Amazon

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Shadow 2: Eyes of the Shadow by Grant Maxwell

The Shadow 2
Eyes of the Shadow
by Grant Maxwell

Gangsters with a pet man-ape try to steal a hidden czarist treasure. Mostly it's Shadow operative Harry Vincent hanging around a cabin receiving orders over the radio. There's a squishing room death trap and an excellent shootout between the Shadow and a bar full of thugs shoehorned in to liven things up.

The first appearance of the Shadow as Lamont Cranston - I believe later it's revealed he took over the real Cranston's identity. His ability to melt into the shadows is unexplained, and he appears to have supernatural strength. He's not invulnerable - he takes a few bullets and is bed ridden for a couple scenes.

Check AbeBooks

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Floater by Gary Brandner

by Gary Brandner
1988 Fawcett

Twenty years after a high school tragedy, three people are sent mysterious messages about a class reunion they're compelled to attend. One of the more shameless It knockoffs, down to a clown theme.

The titular floater is the astral spirit of their classmate who is able to possess bodies, control car engines, and check credit records from beyond the grave. A good chunk of the book is supposed to be the terror of their inability to leave their hometown, but came across as just frustration with rural shops being closed on weekends.

A hint of creepiness with flashbacks of the floater learning to possess bodies, and I like Brandner's writing, but not much of anything going on here. At least it wasn't 1100 pages.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Seductions by Ray Garton

by Ray Garton
1984, Pinnacle

An alcoholic teacher with the power of precognition stumble across a series of disappearances where the victim only leaves behind a pile of blood. Shapeshifting succubi/incubi that take the form of their victim's desire. Shades of Dead Zone meets The Thing and prefiguring Yuzna's Society with erotic body horror. Garton's first, lean and mean.

Available from Amazon

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Cade 1: Darksiders by Mike Linaker

Cade 1
by Mike Linaker
1992, Gold Eagle

Cade is a Justice Marshal of the faraway future where hardcore pornography is transmitted by satellite. Cade and his cyborg (really an android) partner Janek uncover a scheme to kidnap homeless people living underground and force them to work in off-world mining colonies. The story alternated between lifeless shootouts, cop who plays by his own rules clichés, and android schtick.

Available from Amazon

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Sam Durell 27 - Assignment: Nuclear Nude by Edward J. Aarons

Sam Durell 27
Assignment: Nuclear Nude
by Edward J. Aarons
1970, Fawcett Gold Medal

Sam Durell is after a painting that conceals a neutrino formula written on the canvas. The four richest men in the world have formed a consortium around the formula, and their hippie daughters have decided to follow Sam around and not have sex with him. Sam just kind of goes to a place, acts tough, and is told where to go for the next scene. Got halfway through - not much had happened at this point and the book had pivoted almost completely to cheap anti-Chinese racism.

For me, Aarons' stuff is like if you took a low budget Bond knockoff, removed all the sex, action, and style, and maybe dumbed down the plot a little. No camp value, but also not serious or complex enough to go the le Carré direction.

Available from Amazon

Monday, September 2, 2024

Nazi Degenerate by Jack Madden

Nazi Degenerate
by Jack Madden
~1976, Prison Camp Books (Stag)

Julia Schmidt is an artist pacifist who is rounded up with her friends and sent to Dachau. She's defiled and tortured by Nazis, but it turns out that's her jam. She's put in a cell with her captured fiancé, Hans, who brings a German shepherd into the mix for some reason, before being handed back to Nazi soldiers. Julia and Hans go back to their cell and are gassed, the end.

Repetitive and anatomically implausible, the only innovation being cunnilingus by rat.