The Doomsday Affair
by Harry Whittington

Illya and Napoleon meet with a THRUSH defector in Hawaii, only for her face to be blown off by a trick lei. Then we're off for a series of chases, captures, and escapes, many involving paralyzing nerve gas. The underlying plot is about as standard as these Bond pastiche's get, but there was enough variety that it didn't get stale. Better written than Avallone's - Harry Whittington (the author, not the guy Dick Cheney shot in the face) was a highly respected pulpster, but it seems to be the standard that a writer's novelization work doesn't match up to their original material.
A running theme in the books is subject of Waverly's age. In the last book it was said he was in his sixties but looked a decade younger. Here, he is in his early 50s. Leo G. Carrol was 77 (and looked it) when the series started.
I've watched some more of the TV series, and I'm warming up to it, but it probably doesn't lend itself to binge watching.
Paperback from AbeBooks
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