Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Funhouse by Dean Koontz

The Funhouse
by Dean Koontz
1980, Jove Books

A teenage girl gets pregnant by her irresponsible boyfriend and she's afraid to ask her religious parents for money for an abortion. There might be a minor subplot about a deformed man killing teens at a carnival but there's no way I'm sitting through another couple hundred pages to see if that goes anywhere.

Novelizations work best when they're slim and there's just not enough movie for over 300 pages. The bloat is from the worst kind of padding - characters arguing and repeating lines back and forth to each other five or six time, followed by an internal monologue of how the conversation went, followed by characters reporting the conversation to someone else.

I've never seen The Funhouse and never read Dean Koontz, and this doesn't do favors for either. From what I've seen it's a dark ride, not a funhouse.

From Amazon

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