Thursday, November 26, 2020

Spaceways 1: Of Alien Bondage by John Cleve

Spaceways 1: Of Alien Bondage
by John Cleve (Andrew J. Offutt)
1982 Playboy

As we saw in the Crusader series, Andrew Offutt is totally capable of writing rousing adventures stories and full blown porn at the same time. This is neither.

Captain Jonuta is a space slaver who captures Janja from her primitive planet. She is sold, escapes, and everyone hangs around. Nothing happens in this entire book.

A little bit of world building. White people on Earth have been eradicated, with the non-white races having only faint racial memory of hate for them. Janja is white, which could get complicated but doesn't really matter much. Western culture is long forgotten, except for Marquis de Sade and John Norman's Gor series, which are referred to at length.

Tons of exposition with very little content, and the sex is mostly told rather than shown. Sex is talked about constantly, but barely happens on the page. The scifi potential for inter-humanoid sex is largely squandered - there's even a race of sex-crazed hermaphrodites that only see action off page.

Perfect for Playboy - softcore and dull.

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